Innolight lighting services

Planned preventive maintenance within lighting services is proven to prolong the life and efficiency of your assets.
We offer a tailored package to suit your needs including regular inspection and testing to BS7671, maintenance, minor repairs, and advice on remedial works for your street lighting.
These lighting services ensure your assets will be safe, compliant and help to prevent the risk of injury.
Our PPM service is designed to save money by cutting down repairs with regular maintenance and testing whilst minimising interruptions and downtime to the running of your business through the regular service of your assets.

LED Lighting Retrofit
We can provide a range of gear trays and LED lamps to fit straight into your existing fittings for your interior office lighting or your exterior street lights and amenity fittings, immediately lowering your energy consumption without breaking the bank. With a typical ROI of 1-2 years there has never been a better time to LED retrofit your assets and achieve a fresh new look.
Additional benefits include 50000 hours life expectancy, 50-75% energy savings and a simple plug and play installation.

Energy Saving Consultancy
We offer a free energy saving site survey and will assess and produce a report of efficiency and potential savings with reductions in co2 emissions.
Dependant on your requirements, whether it be for interior lighting or exterior car park , street lighting or amenity lighting, we can provide a range of timed switches, motion sensors , CMS (central management systems) and LED white lighting for CCTV clarity, a sustainable site can be achieved.
With our energy saving advice we can ensure your site will be optimised for all your night and day requirements.

LED Lighting Conversion
If you are after a complete new look, energy saving and carbon footprint reduction we offer a complete LED conversion service within our lighting services.
Working closely with you each step of the way, we can supply, design, install and maintain your entire lighting setup.
We take pride in our modern and dynamic approach to all our lighting installations and not being associated with a single manufacturer gives us the benefit of impartial advice for a wide range of products to meet your requirements.

Fault Finding
With our fault finding service we are able to test and locate faults within your private network, below or above ground and repair these faults with minimal disruption to your business or premises.
We have a civils team who will excavate for our electricians to repair the fault and then be reinstated.

Lighting maintenance
Under our packages offered, we will maintain your lighting ensuring your minimised downtime with our catergorised call out system.
With our years of experience in repair we can help keep your costs down, rather than replacing a whole unit.
Our ongoing maintenance package 1-2-3 call out system covers:
- Immediate response required (imminent danger) e.g-RTA column down/all lights out-within 24 hours
- Possible danger or many lights out-within 36 hours
- General repairs-within one week.

Lighting installation
Innolight’s lighting services include a fully comprehensive lighting installation service from the initial design stage through to the ongoing lighting maintenance plan.
Our lighting installation service includes column installation from a small sign post up to a 15m, private lighting, cable networks, single and three phase installation, electrical service connections for cabling jointing and civils, cable jointing and repairs to existing networks, and cable tracing of existing underground networks for surveys and repairs .

Inspection & Testing
The importance of inspection and testing of your electrical assets is paramount to ensure your business is meeting the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Electrical at Work Regulations 1989.
The testing of external lighting is of particular importance due to mainly being large potentially dangerous and conductive parts open to the public.
Our team are fully trained in electrical test and inspection and also HERS (Highways Electrical Registration Scheme) trained in test and inspection of street furniture, and so more specified in the training than a traditional electrician in outdoor lighting.

Signage plays an essential role for the safety, operation and fluidity of your site.
We can supply and install a range of signage for your site ranging from ADS signs, footway, post signs and pay and display signs.
For more information on our signage and lighting services please contact us today to speak to a member of our team.

We supply, install and maintain a range of different bollards suited to your service including;
safety bollard, security and safety bollards, telescopic bollards, amenity and lit bollards, stainless steel and decorative bollards, parking posts and street bollards.

We also provide installation of ANPR cameras for your site.
Automatic number plate recognition is a technology that is used to recognise number plates and can be installed for security and car park management by identifying when vehicles enter and leave your premises. This information is then used to determine whether a vehicle has overstayed its time and by using the DVLA’s vehicle keeper database a notice can be issued to the keepers address.

Interior lighting services
We provide all aspects of interior lighting for the commercial, industrial and private sectors.